Website is coming soon

Hello! We are working on a new version of the website and will be back shortly.

This website is going to store and introduce collections of photographs that were taken by me during my life since 2004. I hope to see you here after the countdown finally ends. So, please, bookmark this page for future reference.
Thank you!

Launching In

365 Days
24 H
00 M
00 S

Me as a photographer.


Let me introduce you to my first photographic subject, shot in spring 2004, the statue of Nalbandyan seen from behind.

When I was showing the first-period photos to my beloved professor, who managed to teach me a lot about life while being present in my own for 11 years, one of his most repeated phrases was "Where are the people, why do you hate them?"

I don't, any more. From observing statues from behind, holding the camera gave me the courage to get closer to people. I even managed to take a good portrait of the same professor, last time I saw him.

People who cannot survive without taking photos mostly express themselves similarly, when talking about the role of photography in their life. And I agree: photography is a lifestyle, and once you choose it with all of your heart, there is no way back.